Jezeřany - Maršovice ...obec na Jižní Moravě
Informace pro občany a návštěvníky
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admin2, 21.02.2008
Aktualizováno: 19.02.2010

Welcome to Jezeřany - Maršovice

Jezeřany-Maršovice lies on the eastern foothills of the Krumlov forest (Krumlovský les) in 240 m above sea level, on a road connecting Moravský Krumlov and Pohořelice. From the highest points there is a beautiful view on the Pavlov hills (Pavlovské vrchy) and further to Austria.

The place has a rich pre-historic history dated back to the older Stone Age and the Slavic time.
Historically Jezeřany-Maršovice consists of two independent villages.

The first historical reference to Jezeřany is from 1306, when they belonged to the premonstrian monastery in Želiv. In the 16th century they wend under the authority of the Strahov monastery in Prague, in the 17th century they were a property of the Cistercian monastery in the Old town of Brno (Staré Brno). End of the 18th century they became a part of the Moravský Krumlov masterdom and in 1850 went under the district authority of Moravský Krumlov.

The first historical reference to Maršovice is from 1356 as a property of the premonstrian monastery Rosa coeli in Dolní Kounice. In 1531 they were purchased from the kaiser Ferdinand I. by Jiří Žabka from Limberk and Maršovice become an independent country estate. After the death of Jiří Žabka, Maršovice had a several owners, among those the most significant was the family Žalkovský from Žalkovice, during its authority the village obtained the seal-right in 1591, as among the first villages in Moravia. In the 17th century the village was assigned to the Pavlín monastery in Moravský Krumlov, and after its abolishment, it went under the authority of the Lichtenštein family from Moravský Krumlov.

Both places were administratively merged into one village in 1960.

In 1936 was raised the church of St. Cyril and Method, serving for both villages. 
In the past, Jezeřany-Maršovice were well known for its fruit growing, especially cherries and primarily grape-wine, that starts successfully develop again. Through the village, that belongs to the winery sub-region of Znojmo, passes the bicycle winery track.

There are several hobby and interest organizations, like the Football Club (Tělovýchovná jednota), the Fire Brigade (Sbor dobrovolných hasičů), the Breeder Union (Svaz chovatelů) and the Hunting Club (Myslivecké sdružení). Annually are held traditional events: the Cyril-Method feast-day in July (Cyrilometodějská pouť) and St. Wenceslav feast-day in September, during these the youth dresses in the traditional costume of Jezeřany-Maršovice.

Nowadays the village has 740 residents.

Aktualizováno 19.02.2010


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